martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Struggle and Activism

               During this events happening of student protesting we had many students joining on this protests. Students joining more and more each day made very places and universities very crowded. This crowds brought many traffic and places closed. People started criticizing and getting crazy because each person needed to get to rtheir respective works and homes.
              Since this students and people really wanted their country and the best for them, they stayed protesting and holding some insults of people passing by.
           Like here we have a group of people and student giving us signs of not wanting the U.S. gettin involved in the war that they don't have nothing to do with.
            This groups of protest were neither peaceful neither violent. They wanted to call attention in a normal way that people could hear and see them. This were economical groups since they weren't making too much crazy things that could cost money and made the country not good economically. They social method was good and everybody was allowed in to protest for the good of their country. Good era with many importance, peace and love to their country.     

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