lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Amendment Proposal

            My proposal for Puerto Rico is about our students right. It is to help all our students with their education and studies. This is for every student with a good average that shows good behavior and education. This students do not need to show any worries at the part of paying for their education.
            I think that student activism fought for a right they have right now, that is their student vote. That give us proud and give us the right to give our mature students that really want the best for their country a very good free education. A free education could be well used by many of these mature students. These would make an easier future for them if they really show they are responsible with their studies, because they would be studying for free what they really want to be in their future. These would be a very nice act from the part paying as so from the students having their studies payed that could take advantage from this nice acts if they really know how to handle them. This proposal would be very nice for our island and would helped many of us.
           In conclusion this would be my proposal for Puerto Rico. Like said, it would helped many students in a good economic way. They fought for their right to vote in activism in an orderly way. They deserve this kind of help if they are willing to mantain a good grade average and behavior.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


             In this blog I'am going to tell you about the protests or some complications students had in the activism. It might sound rare but student activism although all the different things happened it was done for a good. They worked hard every morning joining in differents points and universities of the country to protest for the good of the country and having an anti-war protest. This were very few the people that were against it.
            Student activism was a work done by students that trust in themselves. They effect political, environmental, economic, or social change. It often focused on making changes in schools, such as increasing student influence over curriculum or improving education funding. In some settings or places, students groups have had a major role in broader political events. This brought many things because they protesting for the good of the country. Example the Twenty Sixth Amendment gives 18 to 21 years old a voice in our democracy. Students who leave home to attend college should have the right to choose were they vote.

            No anti protest was really made against student activism during all that time. Student activism was a series of time were I can admired this students tha worked very hard for their best, what they really wanted and their country. This brought inspiration to country knowing that they really deserve the rights they needed and showed the love they had for their country.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Struggle and Activism

               During this events happening of student protesting we had many students joining on this protests. Students joining more and more each day made very places and universities very crowded. This crowds brought many traffic and places closed. People started criticizing and getting crazy because each person needed to get to rtheir respective works and homes.
              Since this students and people really wanted their country and the best for them, they stayed protesting and holding some insults of people passing by.
           Like here we have a group of people and student giving us signs of not wanting the U.S. gettin involved in the war that they don't have nothing to do with.
            This groups of protest were neither peaceful neither violent. They wanted to call attention in a normal way that people could hear and see them. This were economical groups since they weren't making too much crazy things that could cost money and made the country not good economically. They social method was good and everybody was allowed in to protest for the good of their country. Good era with many importance, peace and love to their country.     

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Student Activism/Protests

                During this years were years not criticize by the people. These were good years that everybody gather for the good of the country. It was beautiful seeing this days of hope with everybody together with peace and a lot of union. Since 1,500 students gathering different places to plan were they were going to protest some people got mad and didn't like them because it wass difficult to get to their respective homes.
                Every protest was okay for almost all Amrcans because it was an anti-war one. It got a little out of hand when it came to the violence incidents part. It tough wasn't that much that bad like in these days. People in the country were surprised of how students wanted that much the good for their country. These was in many different universities.The only from few surious cases was in Kent State were a few people died in the protest.  Syracuse University was also serious when classes were canceled due to continous demonstartions against this wars andinvasions in 1970. They were different protests, but although they were different protests the important thing was that students were protesting for the good of their country.
                Students tlakin about war and the best for the country it's necessity to the sovereignity of our nation and the consequences it has cost us in the eyes of our fellow nation. Idealogy in student population is very big, we have many students with great ideas that can really help us and could be the best for us and our country. There are some commentaries that people hope that students would like to protest that good like that era for things that really worth it and really make sense, not for any stupid thing that happens. Laws were not really put in that era against this students because for me they reaaly wanted the best for them and theircountry.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Student Activism/Protests

            Starting in the 1950's everyone tought everything needed to go perfect. By the 1960's started the revolution of accepting not everything was and necessary needed to go perfect. There came the different eras like the era of the hippies. They said everyone was free and that they wanted only peace, not necessarily everything needed to go perfect. This student  activism and protest started in the 1960's since many of them tought that Americans shouldn't be that much involved in the Vietnam War.
             Student protest in those moments was a signature element of the political state of confusion and agitation of the Vietnam war. In spring of 1970 we could know that passed some of the biggest and largest students protest in U.S. history. Student Activism played a big part and key role in bringing antiwar ideas to the broader public. The Vietnam War served as served, as the early civil right movement, to sparked or extended play further struggles around race, identity, and gender. Students went from being timid and complacent to rebellious and outspoken.
             This years of 1960's and 1970's were known as years when students united against the war. There were known also as student united against the establishments. This it was not until the draft that these students and universities students united. They didn't only united in their individual campuses, but nationally as well. Students came together under a mutual desire for control, control over the war, their rights, their education, overall control over their lives. This were years of hope and days of rage. Student were gathering for the good of their country and for their own lives good.